The Pudding Diaries

The musings of me...... marketing, architecture, pretentious travelogues, even more pretentious design critiques and just 'stuff'.....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Here come the boys!

Holiday preparations gather apace! The beaches and bars of Sitges await.

I'm on the downward track to the holiday now: this fortnight has included trips to Bilbao, Madrid, Fort Lauderdale, San Diego (where I now am) and back to London (tomorrow).

Next week will include major client debrief, a court appearance (that will justify its own post), a 'back crack and sack' at the soho salon, in preparation for my date (did i say date? I did! Hoorah!). A second date indeed, with a cute jewish boy (hereafter known as CJB)..... what could be better than that? Always had a soft-spot for jewish boys - something i developed when backpacking around india.

I'll keep you posted on progress with CJB. Watch this space.....

I'm back!

Well here I am: 'back' in more ways than one.

I find myself 'single again' after 7 years.

So I intend to write about that; to help me to understand it. But also I intend to re-discover me. To let myself loose; rediscover my sense of humour, find the absurdity in all things and write about them. Most of all, I would very much like to make you think, to make you laugh, to make you wonder, to make you like me (isn't that why we bloggers self-publish in this shameless way?) or even make you hate me. Most of all i want you to read me - and tell your friends to too....